Phone Chat Line World

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a people person, able to socialize with anyone in any situation? At AuthorsRoundtheSouth, we’ve developed a phone chat line that helps people socialize, become better speakers, and meet new people in real life. We offer a 30-minute trial period for you to call, create an account, and start chatting.
1. Livelinks 855-273-64441 Hour Free
2. Fonochat 866-837-61021 Hour Free
3. RedHot Dateline 844-802-77551 Hour Free
What a Phone Chat Line Is
A phone chat line is a social phone service for individuals looking to date, socialize, or simply talk about their daily experiences. It’s built on a phone line system that uses a toll-free number to connect callers into a single line.
Pricing for Phone Chat Lines
Phone chat lines have two pricing models: pay-per-minute and subscription-based. At AuthorsRoundtheSouth, we use a pay-per-minute model with occasional discounts. Our packages are 30 minutes for $9.99, 60 minutes for $14.99, and 120 minutes for $27.99.
Be mindful of your chat line account minutes, as they are deducted once you begin talking with another person on the phone chat line.
Free Trials

The phone chat line market has been rapidly growing over the years, and as a result, more free trials have become available. We’ve divided the list of free trials into two groups: half-hour and one-hour chat lines. Be cautious, as the free trial minutes expire 3 to 5 days after creating a new account.
One-Hour Free Trial Chat Lines

Livelinks offers one hour of free trial for new accounts on their phone line. After activating your new account, you have five days to use the free minutes before they expire. Their pricing is competitive, and they offer special discounts on exclusive holidays throughout the year.
Livelinks’ phone number is: 855-273-6444

Fonochat is a popular Spanish chat line for people looking to discuss everyday topics. Most users on Fonochat are Latino, and over the years, many American callers have joined to practice their Spanish skills. Fonochat offers one hour of free usage on their phone line.
Fonochat’s phone number is: 866-837-6102
RedHot Dateline

RedHot Dateline is a phone chat line for Canadian and American individuals looking to share excitement over the phone. Their phone lines are private and have little to no moderation. RedHot Dateline offers one-hour free call access to its chat line for new users to experience their services.
RedHot Dateline’s phone number is: 844-802-7755
Half-an-Hour Chat Lines
Certainly, a 30-minute free chat line trial is enough for callers to decide if a phone chat line service meets their needs. Choose a 30-minute phone chat line, register, and start talking to the community.

PhoneChatLines is for people looking to socialize and share friendly topics with other users. With several affordable minute packages and 24/7 access, it’s become a top chat line in the industry. PhoneChatLines offers a free 30-minute trial for new accounts.
PhoneChatLines’ phone number is: 888-318-1446
The Chat Line Numbers

The original chat line numbers, created in the 90s, provides a secure experience for callers and offers cool features like three-way phone chats, user activity notifications, and minute match packages. TheChatlineNumbers has divided its chat lines into two categories: friendly and phone sex. Get a 30-minute free trial by calling the number listed below.
TheChatLineNumbers’ phone number is: 833-322-1315

As a popular chat line among black singles in North America, Vibeline has thousands of active callers at any given time. It’s open to users of any race and ethnicity. If you’re looking for a versatile chat line to share daily happenings, try a free phone sex trial, or unwind after work, Vibeline is a great choice.
Vibeline’s phone number is: 855-964-2095
Topics to Share on Phone Chats

On a private phone chat line, you can talk about any topic with your partner. These phone lines are private and offer many subjects to discuss. To make the most of your phone chat experience, it’s crucial to choose the right topics.
What Made Them Call the Phone Chat Line
About 60% of callers ask their phone partner why they called the chat line. This question helps you understand their purpose and see if it matches yours. If your interests differ, you can move on to another caller.
Favorite Hobbies
We all enjoy discussing our favorite pastimes. Sharing hobbies and laughs makes you and your partner more comfortable, paving the way for other conversation topics. Don’t forget to mention any unusual hobbies you have – they might pique your partner’s curiosity.
Last Weekend Plan
Talk about your recent weekend plans and who you spent time with. This conversation can reveal how you both like to spend your free time and might even lead to spending a weekend together.
Last Relationship Experience
To get to know your phone partner, ask about their past relationship experiences and lessons learned. Most people feel comfortable discussing their previous relationships and are willing to share their thoughts, lessons, and mistakes to avoid in the future. Let your partner share what they want without pressing for extra details.
What to Avoid Sharing on the Chat Line
Chat lines are meant for fun, forming friendships and relationships, and improving social skills. We asked 650 chat line users about the worst topics to discuss, ones that didn’t work well in conversations.
Real Identity
Don’t ask for a person’s real name or location during your first chat line conversation. Many users appreciate the anonymity feature of chat lines. After several phone chats, users may feel more comfortable sharing their name, location, or upcoming events.
Beliefs and Religion
Religion can be a sensitive subject that could lead to negative reactions. Some chat lines use voice recognition systems to warn users discussing religion. Avoid asking about religious beliefs and don’t question any responses on the topic.
Work Salary
Asking someone’s salary or income on chat lines and in person is inappropriate and can provoke a negative response. Discussing your work environment and coworkers is fine, but avoid direct salary-related questions. Users who ask about income often get reported by other chat line users.